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Healthy nutrition

So, if we're set to reach the perfection,it's vitally important to know about a healthy nutrition.

Sound nutrition is the necessary condition for achievements in sport. A sportsman's organism works in a very harsh regimen and needs a lot of energy.

The strength in one's muscles rises as their weight increases. This process is provided by the food rich withprotein. How much protein does every sportsman need? Well, it depends on the weight, age, and the amount of work he does. Considering a sportsman's weight on 1 kilogram he would need 1.5-2 grams of protein. In order to satisfy a high demand for protein a sportsman has to eat daily a piece of fat-free processed cheese.

But it's not only about the quantity of protein, it's the question of quality as well. Among the 20 aminoacids we need for vital activity 8 cannot be produced in our organism, so we should get them with food we eat. Otherwise the muscles won't grow.

The products of animal origin contain the protein with all the aminoacids. These products are meat, fish, eggs, milk, cheese, cottage cheese and other dairy products. They're valuable because its protein is very close to human's. So,we assimilate them at 80-90%.

The products of the vegetable group contain a lower amount of aminoacids, so they're less valuable. Bread's, haricot's, peas', oatmeal's and buckweat's protein combines with animal protein and creates so-called aminoacid Complexes. So, it's good to combine these two kinds of protein. Milk, for example, is better with bread, meat and fish are better with vegetables and cereals.

Fats - is the important component in our nutrition. They contain two times more energy than the same amount of protein or carbohydrate. It doesn't really matter what kind of fat (vegetable or animal) you get for energy, but for the plastic function fats are more important. They comprise of irreplaceable components we get with the vegetable fats. Some of them can be equated with vitamins.

Fats are vital for assimilating many of the mineral substances and vitamins. So you'd better add sour cream or vegetable oil in the salad with carrot. The proportion of the animal and vegetable origin is supposed to be 3:1. It's recommended to get 1.5-2 grams of fat on each kilogram of one's weight.

Carbohydrates - is the main source of energy. While consuming them the muscles work more economically than when they work on other kinds of "fuel". The most important sources of carbohydrates are fruits and vegetables. Vegetables is the best garnish to meat and fish. Vinaigrettes and salads promote better digestion of protein and fats.

Such an intensive work of muscles upset the acid-alkaline balance in our organism and the vegetable products normalize it. It's recommended to drink 1-2 glasses of mineral water daily to keep water-saline balance.

All the sportsmen have a high demand for vitamins. In winter and spring it's reasonable to take vitamins in pills but not too many because overdose can happen. It's like a real medicine, so be careful with them.

The average numbers of the components on one kilogram of an athlet are the following: protein - 2.4-2.5 grams; fats - 2.0-2.3 grams; carbohydrates - 10-11 grams.

There are 6 groups all the major products are divided into: 1 - milk and dairy products; 2 - meat, fish, eggs, poultry; 3 - gramineous plants (cereals, bread, legumes); 4 - fats; 5 - vegetables, fruits; 6 - mineral substances, water In order to have a full food allowance a person should eat the products from all the groups. Cellulose containing in all kinds of vegetables is good for intestine.

It's necessary to quit smoking and drinking alcohol. The active substances the smoke and the alcohol have slow down the synthesis of protein, so the conditions for growing muscles are worse.

One should have a meal no less than 3 times a day. Supper shouldn't be late. It's better to eat at the same time. Physical work right after a meal is not recommended, it's better to wait for an hour or two. Not balanced ration, shortage or excess of calories can worsen one's health and lead to a low availability.

The approximate amount of calories per day for a sportsman weighing 15-70 kg:

tourism - 3600-4000 kcalories,

sprint, diving -3800-4200 kcalories,

sport games - 4200-4800 kcalories,


light - 4200-4500 kcalories,

medium - up to 5000 kcalories,

heavy - up to 6000 kcalories.

The level of spending calories differs from person to person. It's easy to determine what level is yours by self-observation. For athlets this level is usually 5-10% higher than average. Protein is the best for filling up the the losses of calories. But protein is digested longer, so when the days are hectic it's more preferable to eat rich with carbohydrates products, such as fruits, vegetables, dairy products.

Some restrictions in the amount of calories had are necessary for those athlets who want to lose some weight. To go completely without food won't help because the loss of weight will occur along with the loss of muscles' weight. In order to get rid of fats one should decrease the amount of calories a day for 5-10%. The procedure of physical training changes as well. The gravitation reduces, the number of movements increases and the muscles get an extra work.

To avoid being hungry during these restrictions can help the food rich with cellulose: cabbage, carrots, beet, cucumbers, tomatoes, etc. Garlic stimulates metabolism. Choose meat, cotteon cheese, milk with less calories.

It's essential for the food to be diverse, full of vitamins. Keep in mind that half of the achievements as an athlet will be due to your nutrition.

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