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Ещё раз о вреде курения и алкоголя

According to statistics from all over the world lee fortunate in financial matters people smoke cigarettes. More than 75% of the smokers start smoking at the teen age. The fact that tobacco cause all inds of growths is widely recognized. After a lot of research scientists came to the major conclusions about the adverse effect of smoking:

the first - tobacco causes almost all kinds of cancer: lungs , gullet, larynx and pancreas;

the second - smoking can lead to atherosclerosis. It is also one of the risk factors of hypertonia, high-cholesterol level, heart attack and bad vessels;

the third - smoking is the main reason of chronic bronchitis;

the fourth - smoking harms people who don't smoke.

It's estimated that every 6th death is caused by smoking. In Russia every year 300,000 people die and 1/3 of them die because of cancer due to smoking. 100,000 people in Russia die annually because of heart diseases and almost 30,000 die as a result of brain vessels diseases. When a woman smokes during her pregnancy 18% of all babies have low birth weight, the period of pregnancy is shortened


So-called passive smoking is the reason of 3,000 deaths from lungs cancer among non-smokers annually. The amount of women dying from lungs cancer increases because more and more women smoke. Lungs cancer is "competing" with breast cancer. The most common kind of cancer among smokers is lungs cancer. The risk of this disease rises due to the amount of cigarettes smoked. So there are several components cigarettes consist of which affect our health negatively. These are: tar, nicotine, hydrocarbons and solid matters and some others.

Alcoholic beverages is an example of complex carcinogen because it contains the products of distillation. Alcohol dissolves some of these products besides it causes inflammation of some organs. Even though the amount of drinkers with cancer is lower than the amount of smokers with cancer, still those who drink are more likely to have this terrible disease.

Lasser explained what alcoholism and gullet cancer have in common. He showed the geographical spread of cancer in France. Even people who abuse drinking beer have a greater chance to get rectum cancer.

To live means to say "no" to alcohol and cigarettes?

It should be stressed that alcoholic beverages and cigarettes is a way to kill yourself. Every smoker should know that he or she may end up with cancer. Statistics proved that tobacco is carcinogenic. Medical means are used to prevent the spread of growths among drinkers and smokers. It's not known yet how effective they are. Alcohol and tobacco are dangerous when they are used separately but they are even more dangerous when they are used at the same time. Their carcinogenic effect increases in the respiratory tract and in the gastrointestinal tract. To put it simple we can say that daily consumtion of 2 liters of wine doubles the risk of the lungs cancer, 3 liters triples it, etc., smoking of 20 cigarettes increases the risk in twenty times., 30 - in 30 times, etc., so the total risk is (3 liters of alcohol and 30 cigarettes) 90 (30х3) times!!!

Precautions should be taken in regard to the younger generation. People should realize that giving up smoking decreases the risk of cancer even for those who were smoking for a long time. It is proven. The most effective means to quit is will power. In most cases there is a shortage of it. And people who know about all the terrible consequences consciously keep on doing that. In spite of this full information is one of the important precaution.

Doctors and different organizations shouldn't stay indifferent and they should address their national governments and demand to be honest with people. A lot of commercial in mass media, agitation is nothing less than a war against its own citizens. The producers of the products don't tell all the truth about them and a simple warning "Dangerous for health" is not of great help. It's hard to believe that money is the only incentive.

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