Steps to perfection



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Be strong!

The first step to perfection

Very often when we celebrate something we wish people to be healthy for many, many years. We want our relatives, friends and teachers to be healthy. Even when we greet people in Russia by saying "Zdravstvuyte" we wish them because the root of the word comprise the word "health" (zdoroviye). However, one wish is not enough in order to be healthy and strong. One should put some effort to get a certain result. And the qualities you won't get along without are diligence, will power, psychological tune and patience. Every person at its core wants to be perfect both physically and spiritually. But unfortunately not everybody is striving for this.

Most diseases appear not because of the environment or society but because of the person himself. IN most cases he or she suffers from laziness, greed and from lacking the common sense. In order to be healthy one should put his own, persistent and considerable efforts. It cannot be replaced. And anyone can do it no matter how prepared or ready he/she is. The main factors to reach the goal are callisthenics, hygiene, healthy nutrition, physical condtioning, the ability to relax and of course time, time and time...It is impossible to get to a good shape for a short period of time, only strong will power and patience can help. But the essential factor is a happy life!

Our web-site is just the first step to perfection but it's the most important one. We're sure that after getting some information from it and making up your mind you'll become strong, active and determined and the person with strong health. So, go ahead and make this step to perfection! Good luck!

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